• Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:10 AM
Its been another long period since i posted agnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! ! Hm.....Wonder are there still readers out there! LOL! Its gonna chinese new year! It means there will be more $$ in my bank! LOL! I sound so money minded but its true mah right :D And and i got new clothes in my waredrobe le. Happy :D Time really flies when i look back at my old post! ! But its the past le so.......YEAH! Raining chinese new year this year! Cool? This week its oni left with the last project for this semester and then its exam and its year 3! OMG,OMG! Seriously time is like no waiting 1 i tell you. And i cant imagine next year, year 3! And have to make new friends agn le coz class is splitting... ): Man dun like the feeling of going a different class but this is life right. Meeting new people,experiencing new stuff! Steamboat at my house on SAT! Yeepee! It seems like its the last class gathering but its still a good celebration! Looking forward! Tmr shall be a long day,and a stressful day as well! Shall try to sleep early tonite :D Tat shall be all i guess! Shall post some pics below :)


• Sunday, December 05, 2010 8:23 AM
Long time since i posted agn.... So busy Man! Anyways guess all my readers and fans sure nvr read my blog le. LOL! Shall still write coz nw nth much to do either. Hm....Tis week was a busy week,projects,school work,presentations,dance,Many many....Busy until all my pimples coming out. ): Todae went out in de evening for my bro bdae celebration! Happy 15th bdae brother. Stay handsome and happy. :D Shall put a few pics of you on my blog. Ltr eu famous mus remember me ah. LOL! Tmr is mon,ZZ. Hopefully this week will not be so stressful. Ytd,Went out with baby to get my bro present. Had a really good time with her. Time seem to pass so fast when ur really spending good and happy time with your love ones. But all these shall be kept inside my heart. Save and sound. Here comes de mushy part agn. But as always de words come from de bottom of my heart. Baby baby i will cherish you with my everything. I know we always tend to meet some obstacles but i believe if we are together as us nothing can beat us. Right Right? Thats why randytanxiaoen is always here for you. :D Love you lik nvr before.
Tmr is another start of the week. Shall try to start my revsion early tis sem. Coz i really hope that my GPA cn go up abit coz last few sem all veri jialat. Hopefully it cn work out :) Tats is for this post~

• Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:55 AM
Wow,Today a really long day i had. Shall jus keep it short and sweet :D Todae began my morning by meeting baby coz she wanted to pass me some stuff. At first i was thinking abt wad was it. But when i saw it,it was not wad i expected. Hahaha,Pig liver, Hahaha,JKJK! It was Jelly :D Yet to try but it looks like a big lump. Hm...Wonder cn finish anot. LOL! Then went to school coz todae was also FB lunchtime performance. Hm...Nervous? Nahhhhhh :D :D So went school ard 10 plus....Prepared for lunchtime....Put make-up, Do hair , etc , take photo. LOL! Then it was the moment! Hm...Duno its me or wad, i did not feel as nervous leh. Mayb its de crowd? ? It ended lik in seconds loh. . I did my best but realise my best is not wad i feel the best yet. Mus work even even harder for our next performance. And i promise its a lot HARDER :D So after performance,Went home get prepared and went for QH birthday celebration. Had buffet dinner at wisma. Quite naise loh the food,Super full after tat. QH even wanted to vomit. . In the end everything ended nicely :) So after tat went to give baby a surprise. Hehe...She did not expect me to be at her workplace but i turn up :) Woot. Just want to say Baby you are my everything okay! Dun always give yourself so little confidence! Mus belive in wadever eu do okay and i will always love you :D So after tat cab home coz no more last bus but nvm. :D :D Tats all.

• Sunday, October 31, 2010 8:41 AM
Wow,Weekends ended pretty fast oh. Its gonna be MON agn in a hour or so.....Hm so hungry nw. HAhaha,Looks like my MAC dinner hab been completely digested. :D ZZ,Tmr school start at 9 ): These few days started mapling agn. . Private server. LOL! Abit addictive indeed! Nw i know why sky could not sleep! HAHAHA! Anw,ytd was really fun. Went out with baby on a date. Hehe We visited baby's school for a carnival cum open house. BABY YOUR SCHOOL FREAKING BIG AND NAISE LOH! If only my sec school lik tat~ So after that baby accompany me go shopping for my baggy jeans :D And i found it. Yesh!!! Its my first time go penisula plaza :D There lik nth much but the restaurant there lik special. Coz we ate at a vietnam restaurant then they hab this special device which eu will see at the pic below. This device will vibrate and beep when the number is call. Like cool loh~ After eating we went marina square walk walk. Right hor. I got STM de..So if wrong baby pls correct me when eu read. :D Anw,These days hab been quite simple :) De way where i just like. Hopefully tmr my job interview go successful :D Not forgetting something : " Baby NO OI LEI " hehe. Tar Tar

• Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:52 AM
Finally after long months of waiting and waiting. I finally post agn. HAHAH! Lik mircale happening. LOL! And i changed my blogskin! Naise rite! BHB! eh anw, wah i saw the last post was lik ages ago man! Its time to keep my blog alive agn! Recently alot happen as usual. My life seem to be super busy for a moment but after todae i guess it will not anymore. Why so busy? Answer its actually very simple, Coz i was working as a marketing Executive. Name like cool hor but tell eu the job is not cool but rather tiring and stressing. But i will still advice ppl to do because if eu hab the will to do it,Its possible. But i tink for me i shld jus giv it up because i find that I dun have the heart to really giv my heart and soul for the company. But i learn quite alot there. Anw,Nw that i have my dreams. Shall slowly work towards it. GO RANDY! Hahaha. Wheres my support? GF lor! My Gf shld be reading this nw. Giv eu something : "I LOVE YOU" hehehe. Eu cfm smile de! :D Anw,recently i also recommend this drama: ENDLESS LOVE! Its really good! Trust me. Wow,Its 1 alrdy. Gosh! LOL! Shall end here. Tar Tar.
• Wednesday, September 01, 2010 9:48 AM
Blog Blog,Really bored nw. Actually shld be sleeping but duno why something is keeping me awake. Hais. Mayb exams tmr? LOL! Todae been thinking when i will really be a good dancer. Sometimes see myself dance in the mirror the feeling suck coz the standard still not there. I tink im tinking too much. Anw FB exam coming. Hope cn score well for that too~ Then my bdae also coming.....Wonder got ppl will celebrate with me anot ): Hate it when it fell in the exam period. FML!
Recently lik one bored oni....Been stoning at home quite alot. But cant rmb either wed or tue went school to study with kathleen then at nite went dancing with Khair bro. Wow we really had alot to chat coz veri long nvr chat le. Did enjoy such long chatting session :) Though at nite he didnt dance much coz he back pain. Bro take care man hope eu recover fast and bfore the FB exams. Shall keep my hair long coz got a hairstyle in mind. :)
Smile and live your life,you never know who is looking! :D
• Friday, August 27, 2010 7:28 AM
Hm....its been another long period since i post le.. Today went out with sistar kathleen and joyce. Went to watch step up 3. :) SUPER DUPER NICE HAO BU HAO! Happy birthday kathleen. Hope eu enjoy todae though eu did not manage to get the sticker though. LOL! Ths fro being a good sistar to me. Hope eu lik tat present ar. Hahas. Few more days to my exam. Really shld study more than gaming! LoLs,BS too much..... Argh.
To you wad is dance?
My ans: Dance is a way of letting your body and the music interact in a beautiful manner. Dance is also a form of expression of thoughts and feelings (: