• Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:46 AM

Yesterday went to sentosa with my dear classmates. As there were 8 of them so i wont bother listing them. We Took the train there and when we arrived the sun was blazing Hot and when i mean blazing it really means Burning Hotttt. So after walking a to find a good spot we found a rather nice spot under the coconut tree. We settle down putting our bags and started playing some volleyball. As the sun got higher and the tempreture got Higher, we soon find it Hot to play on the sand so to the water we went. Then unlucky me as i had to land anita my shorts as she did not brought extra and guess what i was in my boxers.......(I did not upload pics of me in my sexy Boxers,too obsence)
So we tried playing water volleyall in the water at first but it was too diffcult as we have to keep catching the ball instead of hitting the ball so after submerging in the water for a while we came up with some games to play. In my memor we played quite a few games,the games we played were too many so i dont bother listing but wat i wanted to say is on that day,i am really unlucky. Out of all the games we played around 75% of the games i had to do forfeit and the foreit were really dumb.Some forfeit included being burried in the sand,running like a mad man around with my boxers and many many more. I rembered 1 forfeit which i had to do is that i need to talk to some Ang Mor then at first i was really shy as i think they would think im crazy but to my surprised they actually responded to my call(Mayb is because they find me too sexy:D) so now i really can say that Ang Mor are really kind and friendly.
We really soak our ass in the salty water for damm long and our skin got crumpled real bad. Then after that we took our bath and headed for ViVo for our dinner.
At ViVo we ate at Cal'sJunior then something funny happen.Anita mention that she wanted to watch the 7 clock show:Ah Yap 福建面. Then LaoBan say they fry the noodle from 7-8,LoL
After which we went to the resting area to play cards(Big Two). Then when we play until sian,We played my personal favourite game:True OR Dare
Then at first everyone like very scared they kana coz the questions we asked are really killer questions but then as u noe i am also known as the DareDevil. The problem is i always kana.
Then we dare people do stuipd stuff like i kana one is go a distance away and shout im Really stupid in chinese....Also i Sabo YuanXin by asking 老Sexy to say i love u while holding her hands.
So all together we went home at around 9.So Problem is now im suffering from SunBurn and this sunburn is not ordinary sunburn,it is 2class sunburn. Whole body burning in pain,hope i recover soon............
Enjoy the pics. :)
• Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:47 PM
Bak to square 1
Todae is a sunny sunday..............A bit lame ah. To start off, i am pretty happy about two things. Firstly, i checked my results and guess what, i passed all my modules.Yeah,Super Happy. Nothing can describe my feeling at that point of time. I was like on cloud 100............
Whatever,Secondly i just ended my two week job,although it was though and tiring but come to think of it,its still not that bad after all. Now what awaits me is 1 word : HOLIDAY.
Actually todae my class wanted to go sentosa but then duno why suddenly say cancel because i think some of them have to work.(Too Bad)
Now neck damm stiff as yesterday went to help my god mother sell popcicle again. Resting and more resting awaits me but i wonder why i woke up rather early today. (8am in the morning)
So thats all for this post,Take Care and Rest Well people.
• Sunday, September 20, 2009 4:32 AM
Todae was a great day for me.Why? Because i got a new phone(TouchScreen). Wanted to get a touchphone for a long time. So happy and excited.Anyway todae went to KTV in the afternoon with my family and i attempt a very challenging song again(王妃) but i failed again as i still cant get the key and the tempo...... Then everything just pass and go as time really flew. Before i knew it it was 3pm in the afternoon. I and family went shopping and i bought a sleevless jacket,cant wait to wear :) After that went to have some 点心 at the food court then it was more shopping after that then i bought my phone in between.
After which we went home and now resting at home again and it reminds me that i saw someone familar todae,Guess who i saw,it was Miss Toh...........(If she know i call her that she sure Kan me) Although she nvr saw me,actually wanted to call her we just 擦肩而过.Too Bad :(
So one more day of rest as tomorow is holiday before the tiring work starts again. Wonder what to do tomorow,Tats all,Cya :D
• Thursday, September 17, 2009 6:26 AM
This post is about my idol Mr Pig/小猪. To start off i would like to congratulate him for being able to entlisted as the lead male actor. 加油噢小猪! So happy for him,he himself also felt shock as my favourite Drama Series: Hot Shot, is the drama that got him enlisted. As in the Drama Series he acted as a innocent boy and a verry funny character and he mentioned that 搞笑的人物 is very diificult to act so he felt very surprised that he actually got enlisted. So recently there are not much news about him as he is busy acting in his new drama series: 海派天心, Looking forward to it. He mentioned that he is going Korea soon for his performance with other artist including super junior,etc. 加油噢,要照护好生体哦!
Thats all for his Stuff....[More to come!!!!]
• 6:14 AM
Todae can post is because todae got off earlier from mustafar. Bet alot of ppl do not know where tat is. Its located near farrer park. A few min walk will take u there but my advice to people that have never been there,pls do not go because of two things. Firstly the Air around there [Stinks], (Sry if i have been rude),Secondly its like a maze inside there,its big and its kind of squezy. So far, i have been working for 3 days already,but still haven think i have gotten the hang of the job yet as there are still many places that i have nvr been to and the people around the ntuc are still unfamilar to me but i hope i can really manage. Although this job is tough and challenging as i have nvr taken up such jobs before but what i can say is that i have learned quite alot through this job. Firstly, i have been to many places that i have nvr been before,this allowed me to know the roads of singapore better,Secondly i have learned a very important thing:HumanInteraction. Why? Because i always have to speak up to people tat i have nvr seen or spoken to before and normally i have to ask them stuff,etc . So i really hope that i can manage this job although it is only two weeks but so far it has been quite a pleasent experience and i hope it remain to be. Tats all for this post, Quite tired after going 6 places in a day. CYA :D
• Tuesday, September 08, 2009 2:02 AM
Todae was a boring day as usual,slacking at home as haven started working until 13sep. So around 4pm,too sianz until nth to do so decide to go downstairs to play basketball(Alone). So while i played a man walked pass me. I though he was just passing by so i continued shooting and playing. Suddenly when he approached me and help me picked up the ball as it almost fell into the drain. He introduced himself as alnold(Pardon for wrong spelling). After a few more shots i invited him to a match and he agreeded hastily. I allowed him to start first as i was too nub. We played and played but to my surprised i actually was leading by 5 points. He asked me if i wanted to continued and i agreeded but i soon got tired and he started scoring a few balls. After that i and him felt quite tired so he asked me whether i wanted to continued then i said ok but last ball and in the end i won by 3-4 goals diff. SO happy!HAHA It was a great game anyway.
• Sunday, September 06, 2009 10:42 PM
Fucking Hacker
My emotion now is very stirred up,i really regreted filling up the fucking thing.Stuip forum website.Now my whole rakion acc is gone,FUCK man. I cursed the person who cr8 the fucking link a earlier death,Better still rot to death,KNS
My $100 acc gone down the drain,Fuck dun even feel like playing rakion anymore :(
• Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:43 PM
Pictures on 2nd Sep
• 7:57 AM
Todae was a great day man. Why?Because my friends help me celebrate a early birthday,Thank you to all who came!! First i meet ben,XW,and QH at amk mrt. Then we 4 headed to chinatown(CT) to meet the rest of them. When we reached CT, guess what,everyone was there except someone who claim to be XW best friend Worx! Sexy Xian was late which shocked all of us as he is always the earliest to reach school or lecture or whatever. So we took a walk from the mrt to the ktv. When we reached,We wanted to go up but its still early so all the guys except Sexy went to the market to eat. But funny thing is we very hungry but when we like walk 1 round around the market there is nothing to eat..........Ok not nth to eat but all the food is like SIANZ. So we jus Walk back lor but leh the stairs there like a bit long ah,LoL.
So to cut all the crap,we went up started singing but only me,Anita,Sky,Cat and Sexy sang. The rest of them like just either listen to us or play card. I am Seriously curious,Why they dont wan sing, i though QH like love to sing songs then XW also know alot of chinese songs but they like duno shy or wat leh. Next Time pls,SCREAM OUT LOUD!And Yuan ah,why u also shy ah, i though u also those tat like to sing de,isit 不熟,不熟可以变熟,要先煮!The Opening of "High" was done by me as i sang 萧老大's "王妃" but i screwed up the front part but the ending was great,Mus practised more!!!
Then Something funny happen,Guess what, "Sexy" choose MJ Songs, seriously i was surprised. Then after that he sang one song call "Ben" Then When he sang the first word which was "Ben" Every1 laughed like Fuck including ben himself,Haha JY ah "BEN" In Between,i and sky sang 1 LP Song,Forget the name liao but the thing is we Screamed like Mad Dogs although sky was like more louder but i Sang more lyrics,HaHa Then i and Cat sang “恋爱达人”Funny version because sky go play with de pitch,it was rather cute :D
So we just kept singing and singing then after that around 4-5 like that,it was anita and "Sexy's" Show man. They sang many songs together then all the song titles like can link sia,Damm funny!
Seriously i feel that "Sexy" and anita really make a good couple. Dun U tink So :) Ok then after that they gave a birthday suprise altough it was not really a surprise as i knew that they sure go buy cake.But i really appreciated it.Ths Sky and cat:)
So thats all for the ktv part then after that we went to one nearby hawker market to eat,at first wan to go city hall eat chicken rice but then 圆 say eat at CT better so every1 agreed but leh QH have to go le but its ok i appreciate his appearance.Ths Bro.
Then after that we took mrt home but Cat took bus then that is when 圆 came into play. She started to pyscho people to take mrt with XW and me and her. In the end im the only victim,LoL but actually the victim turned out to be a winner. Why, coz we reached home faster then Sky and the rest. So thats all for todae,So Shagged now,Got to crash :D