• Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:23 AM
Busy Day
Todae was a quite busy day i could say :) Busy was better than bored i guess. So in the morning went out with bro to cut hair but my hairstylist was not there :( Kns,i go like 3 times le but he always fail to show up..... Wanted to giv up cutting my hair but mum keep forcing me to cut. Nvm,cut jiu cut,No Big Deal.... Haha. So went out in the afternoon with my long lost classmate shu hui. We went to eat at Sumo House :) Although it was lunch time,still managed to find a seat :). Then we chatted alot of stuff.... Memories were all thats left behind :) So after eating,She say wan eat ice cream,Quite unexpected :) So went to buy ice cream and went to void deck to slack. Wind was like extreme sia. That place was like WOW. Dont know why the wind is just so great and mighty.... My whole hair like totally out of shape when we left.... Wad was left was time so to kill time guess wad we did??? We did some painting :) Haha,To kill time that is what we could do. The final product was not to bad,except coz the material was not veri good so haiz..... Haha or isit our skills not up to par :) Dunno???? So after that she had to go for work then i went to meet my bro at kovan. Wanted to play some pool but reach there too late so in the end wasted my 70 cents for nothing............ Then around 6 plus went to my relative hse as usual for celebration. Its a yearly event so rather crowded and lively... nothing special there but to my surprise i saw one of my friends there :) I saw ong rei,sry if i spell yur name wrongly :) He is my friends's friend,which in turn is my cousin's cousin. What a small world after all :) Chatted for a while then went to get some food,BBQ as usual... So after which went home for a bath and met Vanessa to get my PSP.....
Hm... Chatted at void deck. And guess what,Same void deck where i sat with Shu Hui :) Haha,i did not want to choose the place de but no other place better :) And To my surprise,the void deck was still as windy as in the afternoon and better still the wind was cold..... So we chatted for quite a while :) CONTENT RATED PRIVATE. Hahas :)
What can i say,Really thank all my good friends for everything :) Recently really happen alot and all i could say is im just luckily to have my friends with me when im in need :) Thank you guys,Ur the best :) Am i Drunk,I guess not but really drank quite a bit and my relative's house...... But still i wrote all this which proves that im not drunk. Haha :) Whatever :) Tats all. Happy New Year Everybody. Hope eu guys have a great start this year and may all your wishes come true :)
• Wednesday, December 30, 2009 4:15 AM
A day out
Todae went out with my family...... Went to catch a movie in the afternoon. Bodyguard Assasin. Not bad. Oni the front part miss a little coz went to the gents :) Like Donnie Yen Sia. His Action Movies Dam Nice. Cnt wait for IP MAN 2 to come out :D So after movie went to play arcade with my brother. Haiz,it really bring back memories..... Bak in the past,arcade was like my second home. Every weekends after o's would be spend there with my best pals. Duno spend how much of my asset at the dam machine. Now kind to think of it,rather dumb sia. Looking forward to tomorrow coz gonna get a Brand new Haircut,Sry for all the delay...... But tat is because i still 放不下 but leh i though it through. :) 男人要拿的起放的下! Haha :) Sounds lik i have grown up like tat :) Still.... (Memories) :( There are some things in life that are hard to forget,some that always live in your heart.
• Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:36 AM
Todae the 29th. I will always remember eu. Learning to let go might be the best for us. I hope..... Haiz. 2010,hoping to find new things in life. New Beginnings, meet new people,mayb even a new haircut. Planning to cut my hair tomorrow. No Joke this time,really cutting away my fringe. Why is love so complicated? Why cant every thing have a happy ending. How i hope my life could be a fairy tale where it would always be a happy ending in the end........... Rotted at home again todae.......... Actually im suppose to be real sad,really really sad but everything is just bottling up inside. Im a kind of person that dun let people know what im thinking. Actually, im wearing a mask in front of people,Why? Because the real me is ugly :( Sometimes i just feel like expressing out my feelings but i cant. Its not that i want to hide,its jus this is me... Omg,what am i saying.... Forget it.
• Monday, December 28, 2009 3:44 AM
• 3:38 AM
• 3:24 AM
Bak From Holidays
Wow,In a glance im back. Some Holiday man. Seriously did not enjoy it all all!!!! Uploading pictures soon :) Wan to cut my hair but like cant bear to :( 3 More days to 2010,WOOHHH. Lets embrace the new year together :) 29th day with baby :) Wow time really flies..... Kind of feeling sick now so lets skip the talking and get on with the pictures man coz the pictures will do the talking :)
• Tuesday, December 22, 2009 5:28 AM
Last entry for this week
Todae is the last post for this week as im going somewhere that no one can find,Lol :) Mood: Happy,HappyX2 and Excited..... 23 days with baby :) Hm.. So this post will be the last for this week. Why Happy leh? Firstly not because of anything but is that my baby call me :) WHOOOH,So Happy but leh when she call me i was bathing sianz.... Why mus it always be like that,Why Why?? Haha but anyway She Called Me :) Cant sleep tonite,Too Happy :) So Happy,Dun ask why,Jus Happy :) Haha,Hm.. One More thing, CB Hao,Dun Everyday Di Xiao my blog and facebook hor. I noe you free and nth to do but my blog is not some place where you can put stupid comments hor!!! Angry le!!!! So Bak to where i stopped,Todae another normal day,Wondering to cut my fringe or not leh? Coz my currnet hairstyle like without fringe look nicer,Hm??? Will get some beautiful pictures back for everyone,Anticipate Bah :) Haha :) Hm,Also anticipating another thing,My Dance Prac :) Two weeks of continuous Dance Prac,Haha 1 Word : Shoik!!!! Hm...... Oh ya btw im taking a plane,LoL... First Timer Here :) You might laugh at me but i dont care,Why? Coz wad matters is im looking forward to it and no 1 can stop me,Hahaha :) Lame.... I really wonder whats the feeling like in the plane :) Hm???? I seem very childish sia,Like 1 kid looking forward to taking his first plane ride......... Aiyoyo, Kind to think of it,really miss the old good times. When we were young,there were times where it was really fun and those times were unforgetable. Fun meaning Real Fun! Like sitting at the void deck, playing toys and some trading card games everyday after school,No worries and stress. Really miss the old times :) Ok so tats all for this post,Will be bak sooner than you know :) Cya :)
• Monday, December 21, 2009 5:47 AM
New Hairstyle:

Todae again nothing much to write as did not go out or do anything special todae but for my baby i will at least write some stuff... So todae went for a haircut,actually want to design my own hairstyle but in the morning,when i was surfing the net for ideas,i saw XiaoZhu's latest album hairstyle. Handsome Seh so did not hesitate further and went down to the salon and gave it a try. Although this time my hairstyle not exactly similar but its somewhere there.... Miss my baby duno like wad le,No phrase can be used to describe how much i need and want her :) Baby,I love you just the way eu r and will always be :) So tats all for this post,rather short sia but no choice coz really nth to write le :( Sry to all,Cya and have a good sleep because tomorow is going to be another boring day,LoL :)
• Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:57 AM
Tired :(
Mood: Tired,Miss X2,Disappointed.... 21th day with baby..........Miss Eu like Fuck Baby :(...(When eu coming Back? :() Todae was a boring day as usual.. So started my day by going to temple at 8 plus........ Although i didnt pray coz dun nid to pray this year but in my heart there are many things i wish for. So after praying went for breakfast with my aunt and family at the nearby hawker centre. Ate the worst carrot cake i have ever eaten,even my Ah Ma also say it sucks :) So after eating,went back home to rest.. During the journey in my aunt's car,many different crazy ideas came to my mind. Maybe im thinking too much again,but i just couldnt control myself..... Haiz dun feel like mentioning it in my blog,Jus 2 tired.... Mentally and physically. :( So went home and rest. Todae's blog entry will be very short so bare with me becuase im jus tired. So at around 3 plus got a call from aunt and went to work. Worked from 7-9. Today's work was not very tiring but dunnoe why i still feel very tired... Why? I ask myself this question and i myself could not answer it... Haiz :( Really not in the mood to write my blog todae. :( Tats all for this post,just feel like going to bed :( Nites every1
• Saturday, December 19, 2009 5:31 AM
Cold Weather
Mood: Relaxed,Moody,Miss.... 20th day with baby :)Todae was a really slacking day i could say. My mind was like totally blank for the whole day. I quite like this type of felling coz it really allows my brain to rest and really just let my hair down for the day,Dun even nid to think of what to do,what to eat. Haha.... So todae went out with parents as they it was one of my father's side sister's daughter's baby born... Longwinded.... Hm,who is my aunt and who is her best friend :) Ans: 三姑, Best Friend: 六婆 Lol Wow it is raining or is the atmosphere turning cold...Haha. Seriously the weather recently is really turning cold,Baby remember to wear your jacket anywhere you go :) Although we might be far apart but our hearts will always be sticked together :) After eating lunch at my aunt house, went to sun plazza to buy some stuff. On the way,Something Crazy happen.. Because it was raining then i played a fool by covering my head with my hoodie. This is when the real fun began. I cross the road and the car was like just stopped in front of me. I like whole person around 2cm close to the car. Luckily the car stopped in time otherwise this post will no longer be here.... Until now when i think of it, it still give me the creeps. After that i was like totally in a daze. Unforgetable Experience i would say. After that went shopping with family in hub. Bought my Sweat Pants :) and my earpiece :)
Hm... Saw a old man at around 6-7 plus near the jubilee and he was located at around the centre of the atage. So he was like singing a few of the latest aunty killer show “爱” songs. Which my mum also like.... So we stood there listening for a while and my dad who is also a good singer suggested that he will do that when he is old also......... After listening,My mum decided to give a small donation of 2 Dollars to him. :) So after which we left for dinner.. After dinner on the way home,saw my friend Tofu but i nvr call him cause i with family and he with friends then like abit 尴尬. By the way also saw two of my ex classmates theresa and Shu Hui in hub around 3-4 plus. So after dinner jiu went home.....
Missing my baby day by day,sometimes even seeing her messages make me smile :) Baby i love you. No phrases for todae but just a friendly advice again :) : Life is short,Live it to the fullest. Time is flying Fast,Real Fast so grab opportunities that lies ahead :) Tats all for todae, Cold weather so pls wear extra clothings when going out :) Cya
• Friday, December 18, 2009 3:36 AM
Hard To Part
Mood: Happy,Mixed,Bored.... 19th day with baby..... Firstly i would like to say something,Holidays are finally Here,Wheee. Acting Like Kid sia,but cannot be help. Really Miss the time when O's Just finished. The feeling was like,WoW, Holidays!!!! Now,Holidays is like nothing. Why? Because,There's no feel.... How do i explain, Because my holidays is only two weeks then like frist week going overseas then second week like mus get ready for school reopen. Lots of things to do little time,I hate this kind of feelings..... Todae morning chat with baby until 3 plus :) Called her up at 5 plus but failed..... (Baby and i are same type,Difficult to wake up when sleep),Hm... Then fall asleep until around 7 plus when she text me. Gonna miss eu again,haven realise how much i need you until now,baby.......
So todae had two test in a row.... First 1 was still ok as you just have to follow instructions like a dog,LoL. Then Second 1 was horrible,Not as horrible as vegetables...Whatever. Not Sleeping tonite??? Haha... People always say the night is still young,Until now i still dun get it..... Todae my attire to school was rather punky. Why? coz woke up late and no time to do my hair so wore a cap,Big tee and 3/4 pants. But the funny thing is my friends like never see me wear cap before and ask isit i cut my fringe,LoL??? Hm.. They tried to take it off but failed in attempt. Coz if they really take out,I might turn the tables??? Joking,Haha.... because once i take out my cap, the hair is really like Crap and shitty. Hope to buy Some Sweat pants Tmr :) Tats all for todae :) One advice: Fashion is not about following the trend around you. Fashion can be created by your own Feel, As long as you feel that the clothes that you wear make you feel comfortable,feel that it brings out your confidence, IT is the Fashion Man, Your Own Fashion. Haha Tats All, Forever Love(Baby) Smile :)
• Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:27 AM
Dancing Classes
Mood: Happy,Relaxed,Miss...... 18th day with baby :) Todae was a rated good day. Coz had a good sleep yesterday :) coz baby call me go sleep so went to sleep at 11 plus and woke up at 9 plus :) 12 hours of power pack sleep,GREAT!!! So started the day with a cold morning as it was raining when i woke up. Didnt want to wake up but had no choice :( So went School.... Wanting to buy a brand new ear piece man but always had no time to buy. So had the boring and stressful C# lesson upon reaching school but this lesson was special,Mayb because it was the last 1 before holidays,Kind of slacky in the lesson.. So after which went for lunch with the usual gang at koufu...... Actually i was able to go home straight after lunch but because of a stupid and fucked up hongkongiest lecturer,we had to stay until 4,Sianz.... So went up to libary after lunch,Started playing Uno.....Which in turn change to playing Big 2. Hm.... Today's luck was pretty good as i could say. Maybe because of lady Luck(muy bab)????? Haha so went to lecture at 3... Seriously,the lecturer was a total and complete waste of time. How come? Answer is simple: Cause his english simply Sucks and is suck to the max!!! Haha... So went home after that. So rested at home for around 1 hour plus before going for my dance practise. When reached the studio,Slack for a while as there are still classes going on,Meanwhile nicholas chatted with me and he offered me another promotion class for 2 weeks. As my class is ending soon so it was very attractive to me. I straight away agreed to join. Date is still not fixed yet as i duno when i should start my class, definetly not in the holidays as i want to relax and take a break. So should be starting next year :) Today's class was rather fun i could say,although todae class had abit too much students so abit cramp but what matters is the learning process. Starting of the class,zan ask us to freestyle and the whole class was like totally shock and No... But no choice,haha. my heart was like pumping like fuck because like freestyle in front of so many people... I wanted to do some popping moves just my body just wont listen coz two nervous.....Haiz. So learned some new choreo, todae's choreo was full of jumping.... But still not satisfied with my performance today, rated 7/10. Took a group Picture at the end with all of them,They from Sp, but still don't know their names,Haha... So Walk to the mrt with them,Abit anti social sia but they are still very friendly.... Hm... So sat in the mrt thinking about stuff. Sometimes hate taking the mrt, because when i see other couples it makes me feel lonely and how i wish she was beside me. But i dont blame her cause its my own decision to go dancing and at such a far place..... Baby, I miss eu deeply everyday,I wonder do eu feel the same thing? Oni if i could fly that would be great. Then i would be able to see eu everyday and anytime i like :) Baby i love you :) Tmr is the last day of school before holidays,YESSS!!!! So happy :) Looking forward to Holidays.... My Passion,My Dreams :) Tats all, to all the readers out there,have a great night :) Cya!!!
• Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:54 AM
Mood: Sad,Bored,Tired.... 17th day with baby :) Firstly, todae was a day worth exciting about. Woke up at 6plus.... School started at 8. Looking forward to holidays :) 2 more days. Hm yup went to find baby in the afternoon... But weather was not according to plan. The rain was puring like nobody's buisness. The minute i step out of hse,Wet.... haha,Boots any1??? So waited for the fucking slow buss, Sianz.... Then on mrt saw some cute twins,Kawayi.... Journey was long but heart was excited.. Upon reaching rain stop,Phew :) So went to find baby at her aunt hse. She told me tat she had a bad haircut. Dun belive at first but when i saw it i couldnt help laughing... I tried to control le baby,but.... Dun angry with me wors,Smile :) haha so took cab with her. On the way nvr spoke much as she was rather pissed off with her hair....Haiz.... Baby,get over it,wad is done is done. No use crying over spilled milk. Honestly,baby i really feel that your hair is still ok lar,aiyo. It will grow,trust me. Actually have lots of things want to say but eu seem totally in no mood so just forget it. Haiz,So went home alone after chatting with baby for a while at her doorsteps. Saw her dog,Hm wad can i say? Cute. Baby,gonna miss eu. Eu might be in a bad mood now but jus cheer up ok?? Baby.In my heart, Eu will always be the Prettyiest Woman i Know. 爱是围大的,爱是不求回报的。 Baby, 我的心永远是属于你的。
Tomorow dance practise. Looking Foward to it but wonder i can match up to my own expectations....(Despite Hand Injury). Sometimes words cant express how eu feel,Only actions can do it. Love Hero : 小鬼's latest album
Tats all for this Post. Love eu baby :) To all the other readers, enjoy the cold and nice weather and rmb to put on some clothes :) Haha
• Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:19 AM
Feelings Now: Hungry,Pain,Miss... I have decided to update my blog everyday due to my baby's request.... Haha, Hm but im afraid that people who read will get bored but i will try my best to make it entertaining :) Posted some poems ytd on my blog,Sweet to the max!!! Scroll down to view.... School started at 4.......... Woke Up at 10.......... So went for lunch with Bro at coffeshop. The CoffeeShop had lots of wonderful memories 2 :) So meet SX to upgrade psp firmware in library. Stuck there for like 3hrs or so... Around 1pm some1 Spread Rumors that math lesson was cancel,Stumbled... But luckily,Jus Rumors. If it was real,i could have go bang the wall hard. Complete waste of time. AirCorn Was Freezing in class as usual,no jacket,zzz. All i need was a Hug :) So went bak home.
So when going home rain,zz No umbrella..... (Wet Chicken) But kind of miss that kind of feeling... Coz in Sec School always run home without umbrella in the rain,So fun...... Miss the old good days...(Happy Memories are worth Remembering)
Tats all, baby dun sleep late :) And to all the rest, Get a good Night sleep 2 :D
• Monday, December 14, 2009 7:19 AM
For My Baby!
I love the way you make me laugh
I love the way you make me cry
Tears of joy stream from my eyes
As I hear your voice, a loving surprise.
I love you when you're angry
I love you when you're sad
I love you when you're glad
When you tell me of the day you had
I love you truly
I love you deeply
Ever since the day
I let you meet me
I missed you when you left
I miss you now more than ever
Making a mistake that I regret
Hoping that you are a forgiver
Without you, my life is strife
But now I ask for a second chance
Be with me and start a life
Together forever, an eternal dance
I wait for you as the days go by
My love is growing inch by inch
I cannot wait to see you again
But I wait for you, and your warm kiss
I love you
• 7:13 AM
To: My Baby!!
The days breeze by
The nights fly as if swept up on the wings of an eagle
And through it all
I miss you
I long to see your sweet face
At times you seem so shy
At times you seem so outgoing
And through it all
I love you
To hear you say those words
To see the water fall
Like so many drops of rain
So beautiful
Yet a beauty that torments my soul
I'm sorry I couldn't help
I hear you swear
I hear you yell
I feel the tension in your body
Your muscles knotted
I try to relax you
I wish I could just hold you forever
I wish I were with you
I miss you when you're gone
I love you always and forever
I'm sorry I can't always be who you need
I wish you were here for me to hold
How much I love you I can't say:
It's more than words can hold.
You're all at once my rich, red clay,
My potter and my mold.
Yours the words that shaped my voice,
The spirit within mine.
Yours the will that shaped my choice,
My fortune, and my sign.
How lucky I was to have had you
At the core of me!
Wise and good, you always knew
Just what I could be.
And so I came to be someone
Whom I could be proud of.
For this I give my swollen sum
Of gratitude and love.
I cry for you across the miles
I think of your face and all of your smiles.
I wake up and reach for you in the lonely night.
I wish you could hold me how you do so tight.
I dream of your face and your beautiful hair
and how you make me melt with your gorgeous stare.
I know it'll be OK, I'll see you soon
I can't wait to be in your arms again, beneath the moon
I know you love me more than any man could
I know you know I need you more than a girl ever should.
So when you cry for me the way I cry for you
Just remember it'll be OK because our love is so true.
Know I'm yours forever, until the end.
and that I pray for the love I know you can send.
Please wait for me, please stay true
Because you're all I need, and I'm waiting for you.
Love me Chase, with all your heart
Hold on to me, don't ever let us part
I know when day when the law allows,
you'll be right beside me, we'll say our vows
So don't give up, we'll meet again
and we'll be happier than we've ever been.
• Saturday, December 12, 2009 7:32 AM
Haha,Just change BlogSkin.... Hm Nice??? I quite Like it :) So recently quite alot happen. 13 days with baby :) Jus wan to say i love eu baby :) Muaacckks :D So went out with baby on mon and it was really memoriable. I think i will never forget this Memory,Never. So looking forward to our next outing... Hm so this week is really busy and so will the next week and the next week. Haha,Coz more and more projects are coming Up. Stressed but wad can i do,Bang Wall??? But looking forward to 1 thing Holidayyysss. Yes. The word is holiday. Haha,think im going mad. Dunno y??? A men in love is a men in joy. LoL,Weird Logic. Hm, dance prac on wed an thur mad my knees and thighs ache but i still enjoy it. Its a passion burning inside me. Hm Wondering to continue with my lessons??? Whatever. So Got to get more rest this week.... If I CAN!
• Saturday, December 05, 2009 2:08 AM
This post is for my baby! Those who cannot stand mushy mushy stuff pls get lost!!!Haha
Baby its been 6 days with Eu. We hav been through alot together. All i noe that wat i want now is to spend my life with eu,nth more. Baby,eu mean alot to me. Every second im tinking of eu. Even though my eyes might be sleeping at night,but actually they are open. Y bcoz,They are glued to 1 person. If i had 1 wish,only 1,i would wish that i could make time stop and i could spend my whole life with my baby. For those tat are still reading this post,i think by now yur hair might be standing now. I noe i am really a good writer but what i say is all real,there is no fake in any of the sentences. I promsie. Baby,I love you. By saying is not enough,i will prove to eu one day.
Everything above is copywrited and property of randy and his baby. Pls do not copy!!! Ths :)
• 1:39 AM
Recently Happen too much but hav little time to do wat i'hav been doing last time. Todae's saturday. The 6th day with my Baby. If u guys still do not noe wat im talking abt,can go die le. Im in a relationship now. Nvr felt this happy bfore. As this is my first relationship so i will really cheris it with whatever i hav. Baby i love u. Those who are reading my blog pls dun get disgusted ok??? Its normal if ur deeply in love with yur other half. Hm,recently nvr watch my fav shows for quite long le. But its ok coz i hav more time to spend with baby in these way. So wanna take pics with her and upload.. Am i going crazy if im,pls tell me. Haha :) So mon there is a formal presentation again. might be uploading my pics. Cant w8. :) Kind of stress this few days as there are many big events cuming along. Jus receive my most hated module's biggest project. Abt Hotel de,it sucks man. Saw the teacher's sample....(GODLIKE)...haix which means tat i will hav less time to spend with my baby. :( Tomorow meeting sky and PS for group discussion for Innovation project. Hope we can finish what we suppose to do by tomorow and mon will get ready to go onto the battlefield. Which means tomorow hav to sleep early coz meeting them at 10am.... Missing my baby alrdy,omg
So for those who are reading my blog: 1 advice: if ur seeking love,pls listen to wad im saying now. Be brave to tell the person u love the truth. It might be painful at times but being truthful is always the right thing to do.(haha Randy's love Logic!) Up to u guys to listen!!!
Ok tats all for this post,signing off :)