• Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:32 PM
Todae is rather free so jiu decided to blog. ): Free but vexed. Today is ah ma bdae,Happy bdae ahma. So going out to eat tonite with the whole big family. A in where we going, i have no idea.. But i know i got go there once or twice bfore. What do you mean by when you love someone? Caring for her? Always find fault in yurself even though the other party is in the wrong? Sacrificing yourself for the other party? Making her happy regardless of month,date year? Or even doing wadever eu think is the best for the other party? How i wish sometimes everything can go as smooth as it should be. Even though it might be boring,but at least everyone is happy? Right? There is a chinese saying, 快乐也是一天,不快乐也是一天,为何不让自己过得快快了了呢? What if you know tomorow the earth is gonna explode and you can do nothing about it? What will you do if you have only 1 wish? My wish is simple but that is all i ask for. To be with the one i love. And that person is none other than Her, Tan Jia Hui. Everyone might think that it is a silly thing to do but what matters is how i feel not how other feels. Vexed now.. Jus hopes be fine. Hoping for a miracle i guess. ):
• Friday, January 29, 2010 7:19 AM
Wow,Guess wad ppl,I pierced. (: So todae i had school in the morning. School started around 11... Its lik these few days go school jus for the sake of killing time. Seriously i didnt learn anything at all,Mayb bcoz exams are jus around the corner so the lecturers are jus revising through. Then after lunch jiu wen to the boring database lesson. I like stonning throughout the lesson,watch Sky playing game lor. Hahas so jus slacking around.. Until lik 4 plus the teacher let us go early coz lik no point staying ar,So went to meet bi at hub. Then go pierce. Hahas,At first abit nervous but leh got bi pei me so jiu not nervous liao lor (: Hahas. Then its like dam fast de nor,I lik sit there then the person take 1 gun lik say call me look the other side then Like suddenly Piang, I kana shock tio,Hahas. Nvr expect it to be so fast lor.... Then after that jiu over loh. Feeling a bit sleepy nw,Mayb gonna sleep early todae (:
Im sorry for being tat guy with the attitude that eu hate,I will change,Changing takes time but no matter what i will change. 3 more days (: Hehe. Tmr doing project with My grp LKP....Camping in school libary i guess.
Love you my only~ 爱你我的全部。 Tats all for this post,Cya.
• Thursday, January 28, 2010 7:25 AM
• Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:44 PM

Best Sleep (: Ytd i slept real early (: Energetic NW~ So going for classes in a while,Ytd Skipped DSA Class,Hehe. Pei Bi to school Nor,Hahas. Then actually want to sleep when i came home which was like 10 plus oni but in the end had to sort our my songs as i lik going to buy itouch soon,I hope (: Cnt wait. Sry abt wad happen ytd darling, I am i person who cnt really express myself yet... Tats who i am but i will definetly change,For the better and for You. I love you. Its gonna be chinese new year soon,Looking forward (: Ang Baos,etc.. Hahas. So ltr got DSA lesson again...FUCking hate that lesson sia,esp the project,And its due in two weeks,Cnt belive it!!!!!!!! Btw i wore formal that time and took a pic which i really lik (: Enjoy~
• Monday, January 25, 2010 8:28 AM
Hm.. My eyes are shutting down down down down down.... I guess we all nid a break. Todae school started at 8,Fucking hate mondays. Showed teach our project that we have complied (: Then after Ip lesson, No time to eat so ask sky to help me buy waffle,Chocolate,me Fav, hahas!! Actually todae is my last dance prac but really no time to go,2 many Stuff to complete,Haix. ): Then after the boring and sleepy math lecture went to eat at south with ben and gang... THen after that went to find room to go through tmr fnet presentation. Pretty nervous about tomorow's presentation because its like im afraid i will screw up, coz its a group presentation and therefor if 1 screw up the rest will be affected.... Im jus worried i guess. Then tmr still got jap role play with QH... And the Irritating Math Test!!! Hw to survive eu tell me? Waking up early to go through fnet and abit of jap.... But at least todae something cheered me up (: Meeting Bi. Coz bi say wan go her aunt hse take stuff which btw veri near my hse so jiu pei bibi go lor (: Hahas, Sat at void deck and slack. Then something funny happen (: Got 1 uncle suddenly approach us sia and gav me a subway bread and he say wad she eu all good then say wad buy alot then jiu gave us. Who dare eat sia.... We open up and see lik look ok lar but who dare eat food from stranger sia,hahas. So we jus put it there to rot lor :P Then pei bibi to bus stop then go home. Yur Lips like sugar,Yur Lips lik sugar,Hehes (:
L.O.V.E [HER] Tired~~~ Gonna crash to my bed le,Nights world and nights sweetie.
• Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:14 AM
Not tat fantastic
Hm... Sry to the readers who always read my blog,Its been a few days since i post anything.... Sooo sry (: I could say i was rather busy these few days??? Projects,Exams ,many many things to worry... Then todae went to do project with my group,LKP. Hahas,any1 noe wad it means? It simply means Lim Ko Pi,Hahas,Sky came up with it de... Hopefully we three old le still cn lim ko pi together,Haha!!! Todae unfortunately i late then libary had no space ): Awww... So then went to in front of a CC,HAHA!! Got the sistar smart,She found a internet connection tat is nt secured De,Swee (: Hm.. Then jiu camp there for quite some time,Do project....... So my open class lesson end tmr le... But leh tmr duno wan to go for classes or not? Rather busy... Mayb nt going le.... Mus take a break (:
Staring of a new life (: Love Her~~~~~ Hehe !!! [230110]
Tats all for this post (: Sayonara.
• Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:45 AM
Lies ahead
Eyes gonna close soon~ Cant write too long.... Recently hav been a veri busy week for me. Dancing and managing my work. Duno how long i can last.. >< Ahhhhh And some more todae lik grow 1 super big pimple,Fuck! Its painful and awful... I wan a IPOD Touch!!!! W8ing for my ang bao!!!! Hehe (: Todae had a killer test. I doubt i can make it this time. If i can just pass the test,Im would be really happy (: At dance,Shaf say i go improvment,Hehe (: Happy to hear that at least... Still got a damm long way to go. Reggae is making my back hurt again.... Too much isolation. Im actually starting to think that learning choreo is quite a easy thing (: Swee... BTW,Nick just told me i and my friend darrel were the only 2 guys students in dope studio now.... Can eu belive it? hahas. I really cnt belive it,Then he keep say me de most shuai in the studio..... If i shuai i werent be here,Hahas...JKJK. Cnt tahan alrdy,nid some sleep. Tmr still got two test ahead but nvr even touch at all,LOL! Planning to fail ~!~
Will be w8ing for eu~ (: Time is all that left. Loving eu is my motivation. Cya ><
• Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:37 AM
While im actually writing my blog while eating. First time doing tat. Pardon me if hab alot of wrong words. Haha. Todae had a superb long day,morning 9 to 6pm... Had jap in the morning... Duno wad she toking abt sia.. I tink i seriously giv up on jap. Too difficult for me and got the role play and Final test coming Up. Dun tink can make it.. Haix. Even the teacher seems to giv up on us... Can sense tat she really starting to dun lik the class... Then after which is THE TEST! Fnet test,i gav up my dance for fnet but its worth it. Hahas. Coz i actually succeeded in completing the program on my own. Haha. Hope i get high marks for the test (: Yeepe. LoL. So after the test i at there emo sia coz actually i came out with poh seng coz he also finish the test le.. but he went down with Venice to buy food so i had to look after the Bags alone.... Emo Lik Xiao. Haha (: Btw todae wore read pants to school,haha attention seeking sia,The red is dam red lor... So then went for math,But todae math lesson gd. Veri slack!!! hahas,Hw i wish every math lesson is lik tat,Hahas (: So then jiu went to eat with cat and sky after school at north. Then jiu took train to dance while pei my sistar tok tok on the train. Hm.....Sistar, Dun tink 2 much. I know eu tend to think abt crazy things lik me but my advice is jus let everything go normally. I think eu will feel better tat way :) So todae dance lesson quite ok,Starting to find bak my dance soul,hehe (: Jus nid more practise and more trainings (: Nt gonna miss sat mtv class. Shaf teaching my favourite dance, LZX : 爱的主场秀! hehe (: dam excited lor. Pretty tired todae but still hav the stuip C sharp to do,Haix. Why is the work never ending..... Tats all for todae post (:
• Monday, January 18, 2010 8:00 AM
Hm.. Todae shall write a short one cuase gonna sleep real soon. Tired i guess. :) Tmr having Fnet Test. Duno can make it or not... Study quite a bit but still have no confidence in myself. How? So todae woke up so early,6 plus... Got school at 8. Showed teacher our game then sky had to rush for a interview,Duno hw it went... Asking him tmr,Hahas :) So... After that went for the boring math lecture, as usual dun understand a dam thing he toking abt...... Whatever then jiu went home to rot. Haha watch Hi my sweetheart ep 12. Superb Nice lor,Veri touching. Almost cried.... But i think will hav a happy ending :) Cnt w8 for the next episode,1 week... OMG. So freaking long... But exams are lik jus around the corner and i hav nt even stated any sort of revison :) Hahas. Whatever. Looking forward to holidays!!! COMING SOON! Hahas. So tmr going for dance :) Hope daryl and xi wen and siew tong can come. Haha :) Duno got spell their name correctly or not,Hehe (: So gonna crash for todae,My bed awaits me.
Is loving some1 a crime? I ♥ " Double Y " Hahas.
• Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:38 AM
Superb tired
Phew its monday already..... haha. Todae superb tired i tell eu. Woke up at 8... Went to work until 1 plus in the afternoon.... Seriously nt enough sleep for the whole week of last week. But im still surving until now. Its a miracle actually.... :) So after work went bak home. Its like the feeling of going home has never been so good. Oni my bed awaits but leh duno who ask me call her and ... There goes my bed,Haha. So had conference with the two gurls. Hm dun wan say their name. Hahas. Scared they shy :) Then after which went to surf the net awhile but before i knew it,it was night time... Had dinner then continue rotting with the com. Wah my eyes nw like seriously gonna close... Hm.. Hahas,TMR Shall watch my Fav show of the week :) Nvr miss it in my life. (: Recently so engross in dancing but still i feel that i have not improved much. Duno why? I tink i mus find bak my dance soul. Strangely i feel when i in begineers class like more got the dance feel,Duno Y. . Mayb jus nid to find the feel,Yes,The feel. Im missing it.. Mus practise more isolation le. And waving. 愛只有簡單筆畫卻比想像複雜 很安定愛變化,,
卻還是沒能將幸福留下. : Veri meaningful lyrics (:
Jiayou Bah 建恩! LOL. 我虽然不是第一名,但是我不会永远做你心目中的第二名。
• Friday, January 15, 2010 6:31 PM
Tired to the max
Sry for not posting for the past 2 days.... Too busy i guess. Actually todae also no time to blog but... Currently stonning in libary. So Though abt it jiu write some stuff. :) Recently wow too much happen,Packed life. Everyday Dancing since thur.. So tired now,Whole body aching all over..... Worst thing,Tmr nid to work :( Sianz. So now currently under intense stress plus Tired plus body problems. OMG,hw am i going to overcome it sia..... I myself duno but i noe i cnt giv up. Its too early to giv up now. My dream,my passion. :) Btw,haha ytd night went to eat with daryl and gang,Sry ah the two gurls forget yur name :) So in the end took bus until kallang mrt,But miss last train..... Sianz no choice took cab.... But enjoyed the dance :) Ytd dance was really dam fun sia, CRRUNK! POwer Pack! Too much power until my hips gonna drop out..... But it was still fun!! Haha they keep laughing at me lor,So bad sia the two gurls. Ok actually only one laugh.... But i really think crunk is those type of dance that is high to the max de! Ok GOt to do my Project le :( Await my next post bah :) Hehe. Cya :)
• Wednesday, January 13, 2010 6:49 AM
Hm.. Todae quite a relax day for me. Haven feel so relaxed for ages. :) School ended at 10 :P So after that went to eat with the usual few. South canteen Western food increase price,Fuck. Dun tink im gonna eat agn,LOL. So after eating jiu went home to sleep. Hahas,Simple life,my favourite. But all these happy things were not really enough to cover up for 1 sad thing tat happen. Haix,dun really wish to mention it but i cant.... It takes time to forget a person. I always ask myself this question. Does love have differences? Take a example, a guy who has no experience in any relationship and he is a very nice guy who has a nice heart and he met a gurl who he likes so much tat he fall in love with her deeply. But the gurl is not a simple gurl ,she has a complicated background and thus she just broke up with her Ex. What if ur the guy,what would eu do? Then what if ur the gurl,would eu except the guy? haix thats y i always say love is so compicated,Its not just 1 plus 1 =2. Mayb some times things are just not meant to be i guess,Do eu belive in fate. Fate can bring 2 person together and it also can destroy it. Do i sound depressed,Mayb? I hope eu dun regret yur decision. The person shld noe what im toking abt.... Nvm,we mus always learn to move on. Hm. Happy things: Todae in dance class learn Show's MTV. 一支独秀 :) Excited at first but didnt realise the dance steps was so tough. But wad i wan learn is the middle part of the song.... But anyway i enjoy it. Life mus live to the MAX. Ok hungry now,Lol. tats all for todae,Looking forward to TMR. :) Nights WORLD.
• Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:22 AM
A touching story
A touching story for everyone:
Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl.
This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn't seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualise any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then... Heartbroken, the guy agreed.
When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hardwork and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company...
"You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!"
One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realise those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!
Before the guy can realise, the couple was walking towards a cemetary,and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... And he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb.
Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... Therefore she had chosen to leave him.
She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept ...the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them but knowing you can't have them and will never see them again.
• 4:28 AM
Hm.. Todae duno why feel so tired. I think i yawn more than 20 times bah,Haha :) I think is because of ytd dance lesson. Too long nvr dance,So nw bones like breaking... Lol. But tmr going dance prac again. :D I must become strong. Hm.. todae had a pretty tiring day,early in the morning got Jap. I really feel like giving up jap. Coz really my interest for it has really fallen by a huge chunk and i more and more dun lik the teacher,Todae still call me take out paper rite. Coz i nvr bring book :) Whatever man. So went for networking class after break,boring as usual. Duno next week test can make it mah... Supreb stress for next week lor,Got presentation plus many test :( So gonna fuck myself up. Angry for my sweetheart. Kana a old and Crap teacher for english tution... Stuip old guy dun so cocky hor!!! LTr i fire eu. LOL :) So after tat got math lesson,TEST! Jus remember,Woke up at 6.30 to study for it. Hope i can get good marks,or my effort jiu wasted :) Then jiu went home,Good Boi hor :) Haha,So ltr gona complete my DSA stuff,Projects OMG! Seeing the project makes me womit blood sia. Btw i tried chicken essence YTd. Haha :) Taste nothing like i imagined,It tastes like SHIT,Salty and horrible to the max sia. Nvr gonna drink it again. And no effect de,Still went to sleep after drinking..... Hm. Tats all for this post,Busy life ahead :)
• Monday, January 11, 2010 12:42 AM
Cheer Up
Hm.. Mon,Hate Mondays. Have to wake up at 6 plus.... So went to school with a empty stomach.... Had IP in the morning. Did not do anything,Sry my group :( Coz i really dont know how to start? Im blur,cnt blame me,Hehe :D So went to math lecture,Boring as usual. Dun really like the lecturer sia. So old and still like to throw stuipd temper... I tink he is just pure HJ. Dun wan scold ppl then say todae we just end here. Got use meh lik tat? hahas. So after school ate mac with the three brothers. Sianz,Boring life but is gonna get busy these few days. Sky said mus meet frequently to do IP project :( I got a feeling tat i will fail this sem. Coz really still not in the mood to study. Dance Class ltr, looking forward to it. My sweetheart still sleeping,Lol. Hm.. watch my favourite show just now, 海派甜心。 So dam touching lor,Wana cry when watching :) Cant w8 for the next Ep,Sure another Blast. All the best to my friends who will be applying for their dream course or school. If eu get results that are not good, Dun be too sad. I belive that there is always hope for everyone. :) So hope every1 will get what they wan and stay positive bahs. :) Life is short,so if eu dun Enjoy it now,if eu grow old and look back at your past,you will regret. I dun wan to be the type to regret it. So live yur life to the fullest my friends. Staying positive will be the best! Tats all for this post,Cya :D
• Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:29 AM
Fucked up
Hm...... Dam angry rite now. Why? all because of something. I wanted to go downstairs take ball from SH,My sec friend then also help her do something. Then guess what my parents dun let me fucking go. They say wad too late wad shit keep chanting at me. WTF rite? Hey come on,Im 17,I can make my decisions,Im not a kid man. Why cant they understand. Dam pissed off right now. Ok so todae nothing special happen. Cooped up at home doing hmw and some crap stuff. Homework seems to be never ending i guess. So todae went out to eat dinner at some restaurant at chinatown. Cost: $217. OMG. Looking forward to tomorow. At least thats wad makes me happy now. Sry coz nothing much to write. Tats all,Cya.
• Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:24 AM
Hm.. Todae post mus write now coz at nite might not even noe got chance to breath mah. The list of hmw is making me go crazy,OMG! But i cant help it,im a last minute worker. Cant change the fact. So tonite im sure gonna burn some oil. So todae rot at home so nothing much to say... Hehe. Wonder how am i gonna survive tonite? Life is so boring. Seriously nid to start my workout again. Got a feeling tat i lik growing a bit fat. Haha. Left with 4 weeks before exam i tink. Haven feel the pressure yet i quess... I wonder why sometimes i just love to stare into space out of a sudden? Take a break? But im not tired,Lol. Ahhh,Nth to blog sia. I guess tats all for this post. Looking forward to next week,Hehe :D Cya.
• Friday, January 08, 2010 5:45 AM
Hm.. Kind of bored now. Actually i guess everyone's daily routine of IT Life is the same. What do i mean by that? Simply saying what are 3 things people will do when they on their com nowadays. :) 1st: MSN, 2nd: Facebook, 3rd: Blog or youtube. Its so standard. It has become everyone daily routine. Hm.. so todae woke up at 10 plus,rather early.... Went down for breakfast as i was super hungry. Tats wad woke me up. Hungry... Went to eat my favourite carrot cake :) So after that pei dad go do Ica building do stuff. He brought me to this mix vegetable stall the food dam nice, i oni went there once. But the food is unforgetable,Seriously!!! Nothing much happen on the way so on the way home it rained.... It had to rain of all times. So i and my dad bcame weak soup chickens. LOL! So Went to grab my specs along the way. So all this while i was without specs..... but i lik the feeling :D But everything was as blur as duno wad...... Oni can see ppl faces,Lol.... looking forward to next week,Dance Classes, Meeting Some1, And mayb the school food??? LOL. Its time for more Fb,Cya.
• Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:30 AM
Hm... Sianz... Still feeling bored. Woke up at 11 todae :) Later and Later everyday. Its a accomplishment,hahas. So went to school todae coz some1 ask me go watch him perform worhs :) Duno who hor. hahas. But it was a great performance :) Saw my dope dance instructor,Zen. He wore a tuxedo or something. Dam Shuai sia his dance. :) haha. So the whole performance around lik 20-25 min. Hope some1 upload the vid on fb :) Worth watching second time!!! So went hub after tat alone....... Sianz. Ate at MOS,then went acarde try the game i always wan to try. Jubox or smt,Duno de name. I can say i was quite addicted. Nice game,promise if go agn sure play de. :) But leh still tink its ex,2 bucks per game lor..... After that went home,zz. But then went downstairs to play bball with cheng hock and company. Hahas. Like lose form coz veri long nvr play :) Alot of sec 1 worhs :) quite tired,mayb coz long time nvr play. Haha,lik giving myself excuse. Die le,Means mus exercise more le..... Anyway my specs spoil,nw at icu..... Hahas so nw no specs. Tmr then go take. But leh i luv the feeling of nt wearing specs :) Shuai,hahas. Oni prob is when at bus stop duno wad bus come oni......LOL!!!
Tats all for this post,Tmr nid to accompany dad go Ica building,admin stuff.....
Mayb sleeping early tonite,hahas :) cya.
• Wednesday, January 06, 2010 7:38 AM
Life is so hard

Hm.. Todae post shall keep it short as there is nth for me to write :) So started my day with no breakfast ,hahas.Wonder who takes breakfast nowadays???? So bored todae,like whole day staring into space and rotting. Why did they cum up with tis word "Rotting" anyway... Makes no sense at all :) I wan $$$$$ coz recently spent too much buying stuff :) New year coming and it falls on valentines. OMG. Wonder which 2 celebrate. Lol :) Dun even noe will have valentine mah...... Haix. Felling lonely recently :( Nid some love,lol BTW took some pics of my new hairstyle. Finally :) Going to upload :) I guess tats all for this post.
Cnt w8 for xiao zhu new album:罗生门 to cum out. Dam excited :) Gonna buy it the day it cum out....Haha :) Too bad cnt get the uv cool glasses :) want those badly :D
Tats all for this post :D Nites world :D
• Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:46 AM
Sianz,So cold and quiet out here...... Todae is supposed to be a great day but it didnt turn out as great... Mayb bcoz things are nt really happening as they planned. Seriously,i have nvr felt so lonely in my life bfore but todae i experience it. I emo alot todae in school thinking abt the past things tat happen. Didnt want to think abt it but the atmosphere was jus nice :( I guess. So bored now plus like dam lonely. . Feel like sleeping and nvr wake up but i cant :( Am i sounding depressed? I guess so but im alright so dun worry my dear friends. I jus luv to emo and think about stuff alone..... Still haven got chance to take a pic of my new hair,Shaf todae commented on my hair and say its nice. Hm.. tats the oni thing tat makes my day i guess.. Going to sleep :( Nites world.
• Monday, January 04, 2010 7:19 AM
First of all,want to say im tired... Mentally of physically? Does it matter? I really hope i can sleep for life and nvr wake up :) Todae,first day of school.... Boring.....
Happy Birthday to ching ting :) hahas coz like veri bad nvr giv her present and then jus a handshake.... Hm.. Anyway like she will read my blog like tat,hahas :) So todae after school wanted to go home at first but went out with bbq to watch movie. Ate at the popye( i think wrong spelling). The fries are really not bad :) But jus feel tat the food is abit ex..... So after which went to see movie.... Sianz,oni left with old dog. At first i was not looking forward to the show coz like feeling bored.... But still ok coz the show like quite funny :) Kept laughing at some parts :) Can Recommend :) Love isit as beautiful as i imagined? I always though love is beautiful......
Sounds depressed but cnt help it... Im a person who is filled with feelings,Hard on the outside,soft on the inside i guess..... At least theres no school on wed 2 fri :) Something worth happy about :)
Tats all for this post,Cya :)
• Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:31 AM
Wow,Tmr school reopen. Tats fast......... Seriously i really dun feel like going to school at all,Lets self declare some more holidays,hahas :) I really did not did any hmw or projects of any sort during the holdiay :) Coz was rather busy,hahas :D So todae actually want to do some work at home but who knows my mother ask me accompany her go visit her friend at the hospital... Sianz... Woke up at 9 plus,zz. So means todae no work is done :) Saw her friend at the hospital,the guy was stab i think at his lower right body around the hips portion... Poor thing.... So after that went out to hub for shopping again... Bought a new bag,Some New year clothes and stuff.... Did not managed to get my stage cap :( Nvm,theres always next time :) Anyway i Subscribed for unlimited SMS,SWee :) But it takes 3 days to take effect... But its still Shoik :) Haha... Miss my bibi :) Wonder is she thinking of me now,Hahas :) Jus wan to let her know i love her :) So tmr is school reopen and the though of it makes me sick :(
So tats all for this post :) Enjoy your last night of holiday as tomorow will be a start of a new life :)
• Saturday, January 02, 2010 7:34 AM
Haiz,dunno how to start writing :) Opps,BTW haven took my latest hairstyle pic todae,Haha pls anticipate bahs :)So todae went out with My best pal,PYF. Went to find shu hui and kalisha at sun plazza :) Finally went after promising them so long tat i will turn up... Sry coz was really busy recently but i still turned up todae,hahas :) BTW they worked at pastamania,Hahas :) Promise will find them more often :) After that went to clementi as PYF say got new mall but leh it turned out tat the mall was like dam freaking small... So ugly,hahas :) left a while after.... Went to play pool :) My best pal say he knows how to play worhs :) but ok lah.... oni 6-1 hahas. Me also noob coz 2 long nvr play :) Haha :) Practise makes perfect tats what they call it :) Saw 1 person look veri like tian yi :) So went home shortly after some pool....
Love my bibi,jia hui :) Wana hold her hands and nvr let go :) I love eu bibi :)
I belive in fate. Fate is the thing that brings two person together. . Although fairy tales are fictional,but i still belive every person can have a happy ending,tats wad i wan at least :)
School Reopening Soon :( Never even enjoy my holidays :( Two weeks like nth at all... Wad i need is more time.... More time with my bibi,Hahas :) So much things to do yet so little time :) Projects and exams are coming... Am i ready???? :(
Tats all for this post :) Enjoy the night :) Happy new year every1 :)