Wow,Weekends ended pretty fast oh. Its gonna be MON agn in a hour or so.....Hm so hungry nw. HAhaha,Looks like my MAC dinner hab been completely digested. :D ZZ,Tmr school start at 9 ): These few days started mapling agn. . Private server. LOL! Abit addictive indeed! Nw i know why sky could not sleep! HAHAHA! Anw,ytd was really fun. Went out with baby on a date. Hehe We visited baby's school for a carnival cum open house. BABY YOUR SCHOOL FREAKING BIG AND NAISE LOH! If only my sec school lik tat~ So after that baby accompany me go shopping for my baggy jeans :D And i found it. Yesh!!! Its my first time go penisula plaza :D There lik nth much but the restaurant there lik special. Coz we ate at a vietnam restaurant then they hab this special device which eu will see at the pic below. This device will vibrate and beep when the number is call. Like cool loh~ After eating we went marina square walk walk. Right hor. I got STM de..So if wrong baby pls correct me when eu read. :D Anw,These days hab been quite simple :) De way where i just like. Hopefully tmr my job interview go successful :D Not forgetting something : " Baby NO OI LEI " hehe. Tar Tar

Finally after long months of waiting and waiting. I finally post agn. HAHAH! Lik mircale happening. LOL! And i changed my blogskin! Naise rite! BHB! eh anw, wah i saw the last post was lik ages ago man! Its time to keep my blog alive agn! Recently alot happen as usual. My life seem to be super busy for a moment but after todae i guess it will not anymore. Why so busy? Answer its actually very simple, Coz i was working as a marketing Executive. Name like cool hor but tell eu the job is not cool but rather tiring and stressing. But i will still advice ppl to do because if eu hab the will to do it,Its possible. But i tink for me i shld jus giv it up because i find that I dun have the heart to really giv my heart and soul for the company. But i learn quite alot there. Anw,Nw that i have my dreams. Shall slowly work towards it. GO RANDY! Hahaha. Wheres my support? GF lor! My Gf shld be reading this nw. Giv eu something : "I LOVE YOU" hehehe. Eu cfm smile de! :D Anw,recently i also recommend this drama: ENDLESS LOVE! Its really good! Trust me. Wow,Its 1 alrdy. Gosh! LOL! Shall end here. Tar Tar.